Monday, January 26, 2009


Are you still out there? As I stated in the beginning, I am not a writer and have very little time to think up interesting things to say. Therefore, I have had the same post on here for two weeks or so. I know, boring. Or so it appears here. In real life... not so much. I have been very busy with family, church, scrap deadlines and projects, and teaching at two crops two weekends in a row. FUN, FUN stuff. I hope to have pics up soon! Keep in touch!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Little Peek

Here are a couple of pages from an album I am doing. Yes, they are busy, but that's me. I like layers. To me, each one builds my story. The first page is a picture of my mom's dad. I called him Deedle Doo. I named him that because he always sang a little tune using that phrase. The rest of my journaling is my interpretation of a quote from one of the most recognized, and my favorite Christmas movie, It's A Wonderful Life. "This ANGEL got his wings long before these little bells rang!"
The next page is of my oldest daughters Santa wish list. It was special because she wrote it and actually expected to get everything on there! Santa made notes, but did not deliver everything!!Thanks for looking!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just For Example....

This would be me in an awkward position, not necessarily something a 35 year old plus size woman should be doing. With that being said, it was also one of my resolutions, among many, to enjoy the small things. To hear my children belly laughing over my antics brought true joy!

No, I was never a pole dancer, I know all of you were thinking, "Well you definitely should be!" HA HA!

Going along with this same train of thought, another of my resolutions was to get to all of my designated destinations on time or early. So this morning we all got up raring to go, school is back in session, got there on time to find no one there. Very eerie. I thought I may have been "Left Behind". After getting out of my car in my Scrapbook Girl pjs and no bra, I found a custodian to ask what in the world was going on!?!? Well apparently I was the only mom who did not read all of the wadded up pieces of paper in the bottom of my daughters backpack.
NO SCHOOL today, teacher workday. This is where I already break one of my resolutions, Get Act Together. Who doesn't start school on Monday after a holiday???

CRAZY. So, with my reasoning skills I am gonna consider this a practice for tomorrow and chalk it up to being extremely prepared. Therefore in my reality, I never really broke my resolution!! Whew!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up!

I hope everyone started the new year off with a bang!! Oh its been eventful so far for me, but that's a day in the life of "ME".

This photo was taken on New Years day at the farm that my grandmother and her family grew up on. The house is over 100 years old and my sisters and I grew up going there for family gatherings, Easter egg hunts, fishing, and other fun country activities. This farm holds so many fun memories for me and it is so neat to see my kids and my sisters kids enjoying it like we used too. For as long as I can remember there has been a tire swing there and they had so much fun playing on that thing!!

The rest of the weekend was spent readying my dad's store for opening day. Today, as a matter of fact. All three of my sisters and their husbands and kids and mom and dad worked vigourously pricing things, learning the secrets of The Cock of The Walk, washing dishes and sampling all of the goodies. I am so excited about this endeavor and so proud of him for going in a very different direction than he is used too.

Our nights were spent trying to relax and playing games, but all of the competiveness kept creeping in. Many, many laughs were shared and we all made fools of ourselves. If you ever want to laugh hysterically and get people out of their comfort zone, play CRANIUM!

I look forward to spending time with family and friends in the new year! It's what makes my crazy world go round!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Updated Update!

From what I am guessing, if you do not have one of those profile URL things, you have to leave an anonymous comment, but sign your name so I will know who sent it. I am learning new things everyday. THANKS For the love and patience!


Some of you have told me you have tried to leave comments but were not allowed. Try again! I think I have figured out the problem. Can't have that cause I LOVE a comment!! THANKS.